Fertility Acupuncture

Like classic acupuncture, fertility acupuncture is a form of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and is used to naturally improve the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. Activating specific points in the body with sterile, single use needles can help open up these pathways needed to balance your Qi. By using gentle stimulation we treat the root cause of your condition. Book fertility acupuncture to work on your fertility, this includes troubles trying to conceive naturally, going through ART like IVF or IUI or taking a proactive stance to your fertility and regulating your menstrual cycle. Contact me for a free consultation

Classic Acupuncture

Classic acupuncture is a form of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and is used to naturally improve the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. Activating specific points in the body with sterile, single use needles can help open up these pathways needed to balance your Qi. By using gentle stimulation we treat the root cause of your condition. Book classic acupuncture to work on your digestive system, menstrual cycle, fertility, pain management, stress + anxiety, sleep and more. Not sure if it can help you? Contact me for a free consultation.

Facial Acupuncture

Stimulate collagen naturally to your face bringing that beautiful glow to your skin. We use ultra-thin needles to create micro-circulation to your face, relax facial muscles, release tension, treat acne, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and give you that natural glow. Each session incorporates body points to ensure underlying causes of any facial conditions are addressed. Great for treating acne, rosacea, fine lines, releasing jaw tension and improves overall muscle tone.

Herbal Prescriptions

Herbal medicine is one of the cornerstones of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). This involves the use of plants or plant constituents for medicinal purposes. Herbal formulas can enhance the effectiveness of the treatments and maximize the result with higher efficacy. Conditions related to the immune system, gynecological conditions, digestive issues, allergies and respiratory problems are among the issues commonly treated with herbal medicine. I provide individualized herbs/botanical prescriptions, based on each patient’s diagnosis and differentiation.


Local suction is created on the skin with the application of heated cups decompressing muscles and connective tissues. This promotes blood flow to the area, enhances circulation and helps speed up the healing process – almost like a backwards deep tissue massage. Great for pain, inflammation, circulation + blood flow, tight muscles and frozen shoulder.

Facial cupping is also offered by request and is used to relieve tension in the jaw, for anti-aging purposes and lymphatic drainage.

Gua Sha

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese medicine technique of breaking up muscle tissue and stagnation to relieve aches and pains. Gua Sha causes micro trauma to the affected area, bringing fresh blood and Qi to the surface to help with healing. The “sha” (petechiae, which are a result of broken capillaries) only shows if tissues or muscles are holding tightness, tension or are strained from overuse. The “sha” fades away in a couple of days. Gua Sha is one of my favourite ways of relieving chronic or acute muscle tension and/or pain.

*Not to be confused with facial gua sha where light pressure and no “sha” is seen.

Ear Seeds

These little seeds are a perfect add-on to any treatment. Your ears are a microsystem of the body and these ear seeds are used as a take home treatment to help you continue healing between treatments. A few things ear seeds have been known to help with: headaches/migraines, body pain, insomnia, infertility, depression, stress, and anxiety.